“Contagion Zero”
Rising from the ashes of the past, Horned Almighty returns in 2024 with their seventh studio album and strongest yet to date! Revisiting the fires of darkness, which initially gave birth to the creation of Horned Almighty, “Contagion
Zero” is Black Metal immaculate!
– Merchandise –
Featured items from the official bandcamp store
Contagion Zero – Longsleeve
Longsleeve with full colour front print + back and sleeves
Contagion Zero – white
Natural white shirt with black print on front and back
Skull Serpent
black shirt with two colour front print + neck print
– Releases –
All the albums from the 2004 debut and forward. Eps, splits, demos and live releases not included … yet!
– Tour dates –
– History –
Originally formed in early 2002 by S. Smerte and Hellpig, both active in the extreme metal underground since the early nineties, with the intention of carrying the torch of traditional harsh Black Metal from the late 80ies and early
90ies, into the new millenium. After a crude demo in 2003, drummer Harm joined and the core trifecta of the cult was complete. 2004 saw the release of the debut 7” Ep as well as the debut album and a split Lp/Cd with Finnish Black
Metal horde Sargeist. In this period the first couple of live ceremonies were performed.
2006 saw the release of the second album “The Devil’s Music”, a fast and furious attack on all senses. Many shows were performed in support of the album, including a direct local support for Gorgoroth, as well as several festivals
in both Denmark (Aalborg Metal Festival with Destruction, Enslaved etc and Metal Magic Festival) and Germany (United Metal Maniacs with Adorior, Archgoat, Dødheimsgard etc..)
In early 2009 the third album “Contaminating the Divine” was released to critical acclaim and saw Horned Almighty generating quite a bit of noise in the underground. Written and recorded in a dilapidated attic during in the fall
of 2008, the album features a handful of standout tracks that are still a regular part of the live set to this day.
“Contaminating the Divine” got to the ears of Lee Barrett, responsible for signing Emperor, Opeth etc. in the early nineties, and a deal was signed for the fourth album “Necro Spirituals” which was released on Candlelight Records in 2010.
In the wake of “Necro Spirituals”, Horned Almighty did the first full European tour alongside French Black Metal crooners Glorior Belli, covering previously unsoiled territory. The tour went through The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Italy, Austria and Germany.
To end the cycle for Necro Spirituals, Horned Almighty was invited to play the Inferno Festival in Oslo, Norway in early 2013 alongside Dark Funeral, Behexen, Suffocation etc…
With the addition of Haxen on bass in 2013, an unholy covenant was made, which persists to this day. The baptism by fire for Haxen was the recording and release of the 5th album “World of Tombs” in 2014. Many shows were played to
support the album, including a ritual at Copenhell in 2015, Denmarks biggest metal festival, also featuring bands like Marduk, Bloodbath, Morgoth and many more.
For the next few years Horned Almighty laid low while slowly gathering material for their 6th album. “To Fathom the Master’s Grand Design” was recorded in August 2019 and released in January 2020, only two months before the worldwide
pandemic put all live activity to a screeching halt for 2 years. Only 3 shows were played in immediate support of the album, before the world shut down.
Now, nearly four years later, Horned Almighty is back with an insatiable hunger and a brand new album. Rising from the ashes of the past, Horned Almighty returns in 2024 with their seventh studio album “Contagion Zero”, the strongest
to date! Revisiting the fires of darkness, which initially gave birth to the creation of Horned Almighty, “Contagion Zero” is Black Metal immaculate!
From dissonant looming darkness, to frenzied aggression and everything in between, the album’s 7 tracks slither, trample, twist and turn through almost forty minutes of intense Black Metal, firmly rooted in tradition.
The Cult:
S. Smerte – Vocals
Hellpig – Guitar
Haxen – Bass
Harm – Drums
BOOKING / Doomed Scandinavia
+45 20 64 96 49

CONTACT / Horned Almighty
